Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Plea to Adam Lambert

Dude, please listen to me.

I know, I know. What does a "never was" father of five who lives in Plymouth, Indiana know about the music biz? Probably nothing, but I will tell you that I've probably spent enough money on vinyl, tape, plastic and computer code recordings to have bought Sony's music division by now. There were times in college I bought a new record before I bought food.

I've been in bands, but I've mostly listened to music. It's an incredible passion for me, and I honestly say that there are only two things on this earth I couldn't live without; my family and my music.

As a child of the 60's I was taught that music transcended the things that separated us. That when used for good, by those who had devoted themselves to enormous skill, it could actually change the world.

Then they figured out you could also make more money than God.

Adam, for those of us who still believe that music can change the world, would you please lose next week?

Watching your skill, your enigmatic persona, your chameleon like quality to jump from genre to genre without any apparent awkwardness, it reminds me of David Bowie who refused to be tied to any sort of label and has always gone where the music took him.

Your skill and stage presence reminds me of Freddie Mercury, once again amazing company.

Don't get caught in that 19 package. Let your creativity take you where it will. Don't spend the rest of your musical life making Ford Fusion videos, and safe pop music.

Challenge us. Ennoble us. Take our breath away this week, even if it means you lose.

Don't get me wrong. I like "Idol". It's compelling television, and who doesn't want to thrill at watching "Cinderella" from Farmersburg, Iowa go from unknown to the American Idol?

But you aren't Cinderella.

There will always be a Brittany Spears. There will always be a Michael Jackson.

I have to admit that I cried watching you sing "One" the other night, because those of us that are a little older know that there won't always be a Bono...or a David Bowie...or a Freddie Mercury...or a John Lennon.

You owe your allegiance to your conscience and your art. Not 19.


  1. I agree. I love him. He is amazing. He has a god given gift.

  2. Dude, you hit it outta the park with this one. You nailed it to the Wittenburg door.

  3. I absolutely agree. My Husband and I said the same thing last night- now he can make a great record vs. an Idol record. In no way did he lose- and we all won from teh exposure American Idol gave him!
